Live Workshop – Utilising AI to generate months of content in seconds!


Get ready to revolutionise your content creation process with the power of AI!

Imagine saving precious hours and effortlessly learning to create stunning content for your social media posts, blogs, website copy, and more!

Join Layla & Essjay on this LIVE coaching call.

Introducing our exclusive masterclass on leveraging AI for your permanent makeup business!

Say goodbye to tedious hours spent brainstorming and creating content from scratch. With AI by your side, you’ll unlock a world of possibilities and take your content game to new heights!

Discover how AI can generate innovative ideas, craft captivating posts, and even help you write engaging blogs with ease.

Explore the magical realm of AI-powered content creation, where you’ll find yourself effortlessly expressing your brand’s unique voice and captivating your audience like never before!

Harness the power of time-saving AI tools, allowing you to focus on what you do best – providing exceptional permanent makeup services to your valued clients!

Join our masterclass and let us guide you through the exciting world of AI, equipping you with the knowledge and skills to supercharge your content creation process!

Sign up for our masterclass today!

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